Friday, August 3, 2012


**Isian Semula
Tathion merupakan suplemen atau khasiat tambahan yang boleh mencerahkan kulit secara menyeluruh & secara semulajadi.
Tathion merupakan produk kecantikan yang berasal dari korea.
Faedah yang sangat baik yang boleh didapati dari Tathion adalah untuk memutihkan tubuh dari dalam dan sekata serta menyihatkan kulit agar lebih berseri, yang menjadi rahsia para selebriti & artis dalam dan luar negara agar kelihatan sentiasa gebu, cerah dan berseri sentiasa.

2 biji sehari @ 4 biji sehari

Antara kebaikan Tathion Tab :
1.Melembabkan & menghaluskan kulit
2. Merangsang pertumbuhan rambut & menguatkan kuku
3. Mencerahkan & meratakan warna kulit secara keseluruhan
4. Mencerahkan & mengurangkan parut
5. Mengurangkan & menghalang jeragat
6. Menghilangkan & membasmi jerawat degil
7.Menjadikan kulit lebih bercahaya & kelihatan segar
8. Menghalang pembentukan toksin dalam badan dan organ
9.Mengurangkan kedut dan menegangkan kulit
10.Melindungi kulit dari UVA & UVB Menambahkan keanjalan kulit & anti penuaan
11. Mengurangkan & Menghilangkan selulit, orange peel skin
12. Mengecilkan pori pori kulit
13.Mengoptimumkan kesihatan secara menyeluruh
14.Anti Stress dan Anti Depression
15. Memperbaiki struktur dan keadaan kulit bermasalah

    Tathion Tab consists of active Tathion. Tathion is Glutathione made at South Korea which is the pharmaceutical grade of active L-tathion. This Tathion is not the same as the supplement grade of tathion which is of inferior quality. High grade tathion is associated with many positive effects on the body systems.

    Tathion Tab's Benefits :

    Fairer, Smooth, Radiant, Reduce dark spots & melasme
    Slow down the skin aging, makes skin look younger
    Reducing the formation of melanin, cause skin more fair
    Reduces excess pigmentation such as scar marks, freckles
    Get rid of pimples & acne,
    Reduces pores on the face,
    Superior antioxidant & Most important healing agent
    Reactivates vitamin C & E

    Tathion Tab participates in biochemical oxidation-reduction processes: It improve biochemical energy level by promoting TCA cycle rotation and development action of the oxidation-reduction system. Tathion Tab also Activation process of enzymes: Acts as an ‘ Enzyme cleaner’ , and also acts as a coenzyme of the other enzyme systems.

    Tathion Tab's Clinical Application:

    As it is a powerful stimulant of liver action or protection, it can be used in hepatic dysfunction, recovery from fatigue and alcoholism.
    In diabetics, glycometabolism can take place, the use of glutathione reduces blood glucose and normalizes glucose tolerance.
    Its anti-allergy action and liver detoxification effects makes it possible to apply for the treatment of cutaneous disorders ( chronic eczema, urticaria etc.)
    As it acts to restrain outgrowth of melanin and continues to reduce vitamin C can be used in the treatment of pigment siderosis of the female face.
    As it promotes the iron absorption and hematopoiesis, can apply iron deficiency anemia and each of anemia.

    Tathion Tab Indication:
    Action: Acute / chronic hepatitis
    Dyscrasia: Drug addiction and alcoholism

    Tathion Tab Recommended dosage:
    2 tabs, three times daily after food

    Composition of Tathion Tab:
    reduced glutathione 50mg
    molecule formular : C10H17N2O6S
    molecule weight : 307.33
    non-propietary name : L-glu, reduced
    chemical terms : ³ -L-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine